Zdjęcie produktu

Zestaw do testowania przewodów paliwowych

BGS Technic
numer katalogowy
cena netto
1 258.40 zł
cena brutto
1 547.83 zł
opis techniczny

• For bleeding the low pressure side on diesel fuel systems
• Is required when renewing diesel filters and pumps or other components of the diesel injection system
• Prevents defects of high pressure pumps (CDI) which frequently occur during renewing filters without manual filling
• Includes 6 different adaptor hoses and hand pump with valve
• Suitable for vehicles of the following brands: Ford, PSA, Opel, Fiat, Rover, Land Rover, Renault, Mercedes-Benz

• Gross weight: 1180 g
produkt widoczny w kategoriach
silnik - pozostałe » diagnostyka