Zdjęcie produktu

Blokady rozrządu BMW N47 / N47S

BGS Technic
numer katalogowy
cena netto
415.37 zł
cena brutto
510.91 zł
opis techniczny

• For adjusting and checking the engine timing
• Is required while dismantling and mounting the camshaft, replacing the timing chain and cylinder head gasket
• Suitable for BMW Diesel engines with engine codes N47 - N47S - N57 - N57S, installed in the following vehicles:
• 116d 118d 120d 123d, series E81 E82 E87 E88 F20
• 316d 318d 320d 325d 330d series E90 E91 E92 E93 F30
• 520d 525d 530d 530d GT 535d 535d GT M550d, series E60 E61 F07 F10 F11
• 640d series F12
• 730d 740d 750d, series F01
• X1 1.8d 2.0d 2.3d, series E84
• X3 1.8d 2.0d 3.0d, 3.5d series E83 F25
• X5 3.0d 4.0d M5.0d, series E70
• X6 3.0d 4.0d M5.0d, series E71

includes the following tools:
• Crankshaft turning tool, to be used as OEM 116480
• Camshaft locking tool, to be used as OEM 118760
• Pump sprocket support sleeve, to be used as OEM 118740 / 118741 / 118742
• Crankshaft pulley locking tool, to be used as OEM 115320

• Gross weight: 1230 g
• To be used as OEM1: 11 6 480, 11 8 760, 11 8 740, 11 8 741, 118742, 11 5 320 BMW
• Approval/recommendations: BMW
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silnik - blok » zestawy blokad rozrządu